Saturday, August 14, 2010

hide yo kids

A = I'm tired.
B = Blogging takes work.
A + B = Me keepin things easy round here.

So, here's a video for you to watch.
You're welcome.


Kristina P. said...

It's so wrong that I am laughing so hard about an attempted rape.

Melanie said...

Owen watched the video with me and he was cracking up.

rachael marie said...

haha. That is hilarious. I saw another video on youtube and someone had turned this into a song. It is probably the best thing I have ever seen.

here is the link.

JMay said...

I watched this video like 10 times! Hide your wife, hide your kids, hide your husband...hahhaa!

amy mo said...

Rachael - that song is for realsies my favorite thing on Youtube. Antoine Dodson: thanks for keepin it real.