Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ooh la la, blogging from my phone

I'm going to warn you right now: the formatting for this post is probably going to be all crazy up in hurrr, because I am bringing this to you via my little Palm Centro. They say it's a smart phone, but the browser sucks, nothing looks like it should, & I can almost never view pictures online. To give you a little better understanding of what I mean, I'd say the Palm Centro is the Paris Hilton of smart phones, while the iPhone 4 is the Einstein (or ein-shtein, as they say in Germany).

Anyway, right now I'm sitting in a room, in a lovely house, in the distant land of Chandler, because I'm gettin paid (get money get paid! what up g) to "supervise" some high school boys for a few days. I don't have internet access, and since I'm trying to be a good little blogger (really! I am!!!!!!) I'm going through all sorts of trouble in order to provide you with quality blogging. I hope you appreciate this because my fingers & arms were already tired from typing on these tiny little keys at "ein-shtein". Just imagine the pain they're in now.

Back to the point. Well, my original plan was to upload some of the sweet pictures I have on my phone so I could share the awesomeness with you all, but it looks like that's not on option (told you, I have a dumb smart phone!!) so this post is basically pointless. You're welcome for wasting the last 2 minutes of your life! Or 10, depending on how fast you read. (I don't judge.)

K bye.

Oh, and since it would take, about, 3.54 years to look up a quote on this phone, I won't be able to post one like usual & instead I'll leave you with this gem sent to me by ChaCha.


Yo momma's so fat, she stepped on a rainbow & made Skittles!


Kristina P. said...

This is dedication!

Super Happy Girl said...

ITA, furthermore, you know you are a bona fide blogger when you use your Paris Hilton of smart phone to post.
