I first learned what the word conglomerate meant when I was in geology, my sophomore year of college. At first I thought it was a word meant solely for rocks, such as igneous, or...other rock names, but then I started hearing it everywhere. Kind of like the word cornucopia. I first heard that word on an episode of Even Stevens (you know, the one where Ren is trying to impress the newscaster) and I thought it was fake. Now I hear it everywhere too.
But this post isn't about rocks, or even a cornucopia of rocks.
It's about the millions of pictures on my memory card that I would really like to blog about, but don't have the time to do so idividually. So what you are going to get is a conglomerate of a post. (See what I did there? Ahhh, I'm so clever.)
Let's start with the cutest boy this world has ever known:
World, meet Owen.
But this post isn't about rocks, or even a cornucopia of rocks.
It's about the millions of pictures on my memory card that I would really like to blog about, but don't have the time to do so idividually. So what you are going to get is a conglomerate of a post. (See what I did there? Ahhh, I'm so clever.)
Let's start with the cutest boy this world has ever known:
World, meet Owen.
This little bundle of cuteness probably isn't even three feet tall (I really have no idea though) but
somehow he manages to woo everyone who comes within 100 feet of him.
somehow he manages to woo everyone who comes within 100 feet of him.
He just turned two and is well on his way to becoming a heartbreaker.

(proud mama)
Mi casa nuevo:
Remember how I moved out? Well moving out = DECORATING! I was feeling really ambitious one day and went out and bought decorations, planned out where I wanted to put everything and hung things on the wall, and that's as far as I've gotten. The picture frames still remain picture-less, the tack board still hangs empty and barren, and the little bamboo placements I've hung on the wall are still without paint. But here is a little glimpse of what I have so far!
Babysteps people, babysteps.
LOTR Marathons:
My cousins and I started this marathon a few years ago where they were going to bombard me with all 6 Star Wars, the 3 Bournes, and all 3 LOTR movies before my cousin Brandon left on his mission. Well, we finished them all...except the last 2 LOTR movies. 3 years later and we are now finishing them.
LOTR Marathons:
My cousins and I started this marathon a few years ago where they were going to bombard me with all 6 Star Wars, the 3 Bournes, and all 3 LOTR movies before my cousin Brandon left on his mission. Well, we finished them all...except the last 2 LOTR movies. 3 years later and we are now finishing them.

If you looked at these pictures and thought, "Dang, those are some cool kids." Then you would be wrong. We are nerds. And we love it.
(Well, Kayla, Sam and I are cool because we started the Cool Club, but that's a different story).
I can tell you are all about to faint from overloaded-ness, (if you even made it this far) so I will stop here.
Did you all have a good week? I hope so. I really do.
Catch ya on the flipside.
"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."
-Robin Williams
OK, I need your necklace tree thing. Where did you get it?
Your sister is so cute!
I'll have to agree with you. Owen is one of the cutest kids in the world. Although, it looks like he's about to have a little competition.
i am going to start addressing you with your middle name in it.
i don't know it just sounds so much prettier like "hey Amy Lynne." How sad is it I'm not sure if I'm spelling my own sisters middle name correctly...
I wish I had an accent! I sound exactly the same as I did when I left the states. In fact I had a friend's cousin tell me the other day "I see you still have that bloody american accent." I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be offended. I did find it pretty funny though. If I was younger I probably would have a kiwi accent by now.
You should totally come visit me! There are lots of good-looking kiwi boys here. Too bad none of them are LDS or go to my ward. I will just have to go convert them then! haha.
Cute room by the way!
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