Thursday, August 5, 2010

a fun little game

Once upon a time, I went on a journey to the faraway land of Europe.

I say "once upon a time" because I'm still convinced that it was just a dream. I mean, how could meandering through cobblestoned streets of Italy, munching on baguettes in Paris, riding a camel through the Sahara Desert, kissing an enchanted stone upside down in Ireland, visiting the wizarding school of Hogwarts in Scotland, and touring lots and lots of castles (one of which was Sleeping Beauty's) not be a dream?

Anyway, it was the trip of a lifetime, and totally worth all 400,000 pennies. But that's not the story I'm trying to tell.

While I was in Scotland, my friend Lauren and I were sitting in a little cafe waiting for an underground city tour that was about to start. We were quite bored, so trying to pass the time I came up with the best game ever invented in the history of games.
I had 7 pictures left on my camera, so I told Lauren that I was going to hold the button down and she had to make a different face for each picture. Because I have an SLR (which was set to continuous), this meant that it was going to be 7 pictures in about 2.5 seconds. I don't know how good you are at making calculations, but that's a pretty small amount of time to make each face.

Lauren went for it, and I can't tell you how much joy those pictures brought to me that day. I laughed so hard I think I peed a little.

I named the game "Seven Shots of Heaven", and it is marvelous.

I pray that Lauren doesn't know of the existence of this blog, because I'm going to show you those 7 pictures. Right now.

And the clincher...


Since I'm a good person (and because maybe Lauren will kill me less if she ever finds this) I will also show you the 7 pictures she took of me. Please don't judge me by the last picture. IT'S HARD TO MAKE 7 FACES IN 2.5 SECONDS, OK?? I panicked and out came that face. Ok, here we go.

(Warning: this may give you nightmares....)


Now let's forget these pictures ever existed. K? k.

That's all folks.

You can't lead a calvary if you think that you look funny riding a horse.

- John Peers


Kristina P. said...

You guys are hilarious.

And look! Two days in a row! You may prove me wrong.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

loved this post :) haha adorable blog by the way!

Jesyka Hope said...

Hahahahaha! I literally burst out laughing. Best thing ever.

amy mo said...

Don't even worry Kristina, I'll keep blogging! Even if they suck I will do it just to prove everyone wrong.

Super Happy Girl said...

The last pictures are the best :D