Thursday, September 30, 2010

my giveaway entry

Blog giveaways seem to be taking over the internet.
"Win a free necklace!" "Win a free headband!" "Win a cool crafty thing with your name on it!"
Sure, these are all fine and dandy. But there's a giveaway going on at Epiphanie Bags for a FREE CANON MARK II. Dude. Do you know what that even means? That's basically the professional's camera. I want to be a professional. Therefore I need this camera.
I must win.

I would give up my first born child.
I would donate a kidney.
I would sell my soul.

Unfortunately none of those things would help and all I can do is post these pictures:


Please forgive the ghetto-licious cropping. I found out about this giveaway today, and after work + school + an event I had about 5 seconds to pull something together.

(p.s. that cupcake IS real! It's just not edible :) Counts, right!?)

My head would literally explode if I win this. You have no.idea. I don't think my body is built for that kind of excitement.

Pray for me? :)
(Epiphanie sells THE cutest camera bags you will ever find. Are you not a broke college student like me? Then go buy one.)

**Update: I didn't win.
Excuse me while I go drown my sorrows in ice cream and cry myself to sleep.


Keep calm and have a cupcake.



Kristina P. said...

I will pray AND fast for you.

Melanie said...

awesome! I tried clicking the link though to check it out, and it didn't work.

amy mo said...

Kristina-Love you girl, but you must not be righteous enough because I didn't win. (way to go.)

Melanie-Dang, I must've had a typo in the address. It doesn't matter though because I didn't win :(