It is currently twenty-two past 10:00 in the pm and I still have a long list of to-dos that must be completed before I can lay my little head down to sleep, but I must get a move on with these bestie posts or else I'll be fifty before I ever finish them.
So, the next bestie on my list is the lovely Daja.
Nicknames: Wind beneath my wings, my bestie without the testies, food soulmate
Where we met: The pre-existence. Orrrr I guess it was church
Years we've known each other: Foreverz. I will make a guess and say....14 years.
Daja and I grew up in the same ward at church and we always knew of the other's existence, but our friendship didn't blossom until Junior High when she made me her slave in PE. We had lockers next to each other, and everyday she had me open hers for her because she didn't know how. I know that might sound like a tough life, but now I'm basically a pro at opening locks, so, win! Anyway, we started to have cute little teenager sleepovers and did cute little teenager things, but then she moved away and we never spoke again. It was a sad day in the world of Amy.
But then along came Mark Zuckerberg who invented this neat little site called "Facebook" (you should all check it out...really!), and we became friends once again! Electronically speaking of course. Then one day things got serious and I decided to break the silence and contact my little Dajakins beyond the "Facebook friend's only" realm. Here is the exact wall post that I left on July 28th, 2010:
Daja!! What the heck have you been up to for the last like, million years?? We should reunite! For realsies though. None of this, "Ya! But in my head I know we're not really going to". K? k
And the rest his history from there.
We are quite literally food soulmates, and our lunch dates hold a very special place in my heart. Sometimes our stomachs are even on the same wavelength and she calls to get lunch JUST when I'm about to head out the door to grab some food. It's nutso. She knows that the real way into a girl's heart is through a Route 44 of the Doctor coupled with a slice of delicious pizza and a side of ranch. Yummm.
I love you Daja boo and I'm glad that we started to become friends again for realsies!!
You're the bestest!!
"Will you open my locker for me please?"
-Daja M.
So, the next bestie on my list is the lovely Daja.
Nicknames: Wind beneath my wings, my bestie without the testies, food soulmate
Where we met: The pre-existence. Orrrr I guess it was church
Years we've known each other: Foreverz. I will make a guess and say....14 years.
Daja and I grew up in the same ward at church and we always knew of the other's existence, but our friendship didn't blossom until Junior High when she made me her slave in PE. We had lockers next to each other, and everyday she had me open hers for her because she didn't know how. I know that might sound like a tough life, but now I'm basically a pro at opening locks, so, win! Anyway, we started to have cute little teenager sleepovers and did cute little teenager things, but then she moved away and we never spoke again. It was a sad day in the world of Amy.
But then along came Mark Zuckerberg who invented this neat little site called "Facebook" (you should all check it out...really!), and we became friends once again! Electronically speaking of course. Then one day things got serious and I decided to break the silence and contact my little Dajakins beyond the "Facebook friend's only" realm. Here is the exact wall post that I left on July 28th, 2010:
Daja!! What the heck have you been up to for the last like, million years?? We should reunite! For realsies though. None of this, "Ya! But in my head I know we're not really going to". K? k
And the rest his history from there.
We are quite literally food soulmates, and our lunch dates hold a very special place in my heart. Sometimes our stomachs are even on the same wavelength and she calls to get lunch JUST when I'm about to head out the door to grab some food. It's nutso. She knows that the real way into a girl's heart is through a Route 44 of the Doctor coupled with a slice of delicious pizza and a side of ranch. Yummm.
I love you Daja boo and I'm glad that we started to become friends again for realsies!!
You're the bestest!!
"Will you open my locker for me please?"
-Daja M.
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