Thursday, April 7, 2011

besties with testies

For a really long time, even before my four-month-long hiatus, I've been wanting to write individual posts dedicated to the besties in my life. I felt like this was necessary because these people mean quite a lot to me, but I have a difficult time expressing how I feel. Telling them indirectly (i.e. through da blog) seemed like an easy solution to this problem, so here goes!

I'm doing this alphabetically, that way the people who come last won't hate me for life and think that they're at the bottom of my list. Ya know? This isn't myspace.

Mmmmk, first up: Brodie.

(photo by me)

Nicknames: Brodster, that Buffy dude, that Alltel dude, Bananaman
Where we met: Mesa High
Years we've known each other: Too long. jk! 7 years

Brodie and I met my Junior year of high school, and his Sophomore year. We basically had every class together, which meant we were doomed to be friends from the start. I remember one day he came up to me in orchestra and said "You're in 3 of my classes! We can walk to all of our classes together now!"
He wasn't joking.
He would wait for me after every class we had together, and I HATED it. I would purposely pack my things up as slowly as possible hoping he'd just go on without me, but he never did. Luckily, because eventually it grew on me and we quickly became best friends.


Together we TP'ed houses, ditched classes to drive around fancy neighborhoods and take trips to the mall, starred in movies (I was on the AA English A-list, for sure), and had many other awesome high school-ish adventures.

Brodie never did anything halfway, and if he liked something, it was his passion. In high school, it was all about Buffy and Alltel.

Here's a picture of high school Brodie (this picture kills me!)


Since our high school glory days we've had many ups and downs, fights, periods of not talking, and periods of being besties again. We've come a long way, but in the end I know we'll be friends for life. I know that if I ever have anything I need to complain about, or just need someone to talk to, he'll be there.

Some other things you should know about Brodie is that he is incredibly social, and he can talk to everyone he meets like he's been their best friend for ages. I hope this skill eventually rubs off on me (fingers crossed!). He is currently employed by the fine establishment of Jamba Juice, and every now and then he makes an appearance as the Banana Man.


But he's not just the Banana Man, he's The Banana Man, and he owns those street corners like no Hooker on Van Buren has ever been able to do before. He dances his little heart & soul out in that little banana suit, and he has no shame. If you want to see him in action, go here.


Ever since I started getting into photography, Brodie has been my model extraordinaire. He's quite the handsome fellow, and we have lots of fun with our little "profesh" (read: incredibly amateur on my end) shoots.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

It makes me happy to think that Brodie and I are still friends after all this time, even with all of the combined craziness we bring to the friendship. Besties fo life!

Brodie, love you boo, and I can't wait to race you & Natasha in the electric wheelchairs at Walmart when we're old & dying!

P.S. If you want to know the source of this post's title, watch this.


"Lesson learned: Never EVER mess with Amy Jorgensen. She will take you down. Owned."
-Brodie H.


Kristina P. said...

He's a hottie!

Paul and Jen said...

Oh my! I totally remember Alltel and Buffy. Yep! That was all that was talked about.